the art of massage
Massage therapy and its benefits
What if you indulge yourself in a unique experience for a morning or a day? Which would you say? Massage therapy is the oldest art of healing. Kneading the joints, stretching them can go beyond taking care of your body, countering the development of certain stress-related pathologies such as digestive disorders or certain cardiovascular diseases. In this article, we tell you all about the real virtues of massage.
You have probably already felt it, this feeling of immense fullness that results from a good massage session performed by a professional or by the attentive fingers of your loved ones. Regardless, one has the impression of being in an autarkic bubble, in semi-consciousness, in total levitation. In the wake of alternative medicine, massage therapy is an authentic remedy against the tensions of modern life. The
debate is closed, massages do a lot of good.
The benefits of massage
Analgesic effects
An American study, conducted in September 2010 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, demonstrated that massage therapy drastically reduced the secretion of cortisol. The relaxing virtues of massage therefore do not stem from a simple placebo effect, but from real scientific observation. “A Mythic Signature massage” offered by our spa will allow a reset and a feeling of well-being. You’ll leave on the right foot and your body in the right place.
Palliative to anti-inflammatory drugs
How can massage play an anti-inflammatory role? It’s very simple, the pressures induced by the massage are detected by tiny sensors embedded in the membrane of the cells. These immediately transmit information inside their cell in the form of molecular signals (structurally altered protein kinases). From then on, the cellular machinery sets in motion and causes cascading events that result in the activation of nine usually silent genes, some of which neutralize the inflammatory process. This can therefore reduce some aches and pains.
The knots in your body will be loosened for your greatest happiness so do not hesitate to overdo a good massage in the expert hands of the physiotherapists at Mythic Oriental Spa.